Reading Hydro CBS is very pleased and proud to announce that our two reverse archimedes screw turbines by Caversham Weir are now officially operational and ready to generate clean, sustainable energy to the benefit of the Reading community.
With speeches from Sophie Paul (Chair), Dr Tony Cowling (Founder), Andy Tunstall (Comms Director) & Matt Rodda MP (Reading East), our ceremony was attended by 35 people who had been identified as committing above and beyond to making our project a success. The ceremony saw our ceremonial plaque unveiled and a letter from Alok Sharma MP (Reading West & COP26 President) read out, underlining his support for renewable energy projects and reaffirming the UK’s commitment to a successful COP26 summit. The switching on of the Reading Hydro turbines for generation was accompanied by music from local band Turny Down, some of which you can catch in our video above.
The Board of Directors thanks all those who came to support our opening, as well as the wonderful coverage provided by both the BBC and ITV who did live broadcasts from our site by Caversham Weir. The Board also wishes to thank our community of members, shareholders and volunteers who are all vital to the success of this project. Plans regarding guided tours of the turbines will be shared with the community in the near future, and we look forward to welcoming you to site to see the culmination of your investment and hard work.
With Many Thanks,
The Directors,
Reading Hydro CBS Ltd